With Keliy Anderson-Staley

In our conversation with artist Keliy Anderson-Staley, we talk about working with the collodion process, editing images for her first monograph, and what she’s doing after publication of On a Wet Bough. Keliy has exhibited her work for over a decade in solo and group exhibitions at institutions including the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Russia; the California Museum of Photography; and the Southeast Museum of Photography. Her work is in the collections of Portland Museum of Art, Maine; the Library of Congress; and Cedar … Read more.


Up until November 2012, when MACK released a new edition in facsimile, Kodachrome by Luigi Ghirri (Contrejour, Paris, 1978) had been out of print for decades. The book was little seen and perhaps not as discussed as is its due, at least in America.

Parr and Badger cite Ghirri as a major influence on the rise of color photography in postwar European photography, likening the impact of Kodachrome in Europe to William Eggelston’s Guide in America (Volume I, p. 231). I agree with Parr and Badger’s description that Kodachrome is, “A … Read more.

Seeing Is Believing

File this under obvious, true, and worth repeating: Books are meant to be touched. Read all the reviews and watch all the preview videos you want, but the only way to truly know a book is to hold it in your hot little hands. This is especially the case for really good photobooks, ones in which the photographs and the book format support and inform each other.

A couple of years ago, I started thinking about this little truism in relation to classic photobooks. In 2011, the folks at … Read more.